Information About Shop Bike Tourings Store
At the Shop Bike Tourings page you will find convenient categories to conveniently find the bike touring or commuting items you are searching for. Whether it's racks and bags, comfortable handlebars or recommended tire selection, all hand picked items come from years of experience with working on and riding bicycles for touring and commuting including a wide range of products for your bike camping and touring needs. Including nutrition suggestions, bike camper's kitchen stoves, shelters and sleeping gear we are getting it covered. We will be adding to and making changes to products as we discover and try new things to share with our readers.
For more information and to see what items we have featured at our store visit the Shop Bike Tourings Page using the tab in main navigation menu or by using the links in this posting. We are looking forward to a Healthy and Happy New 2014 with practical optimism for ourselves, friends and family. When asked about putting out a newsletter for subscribers, we are currently too busy for that but will look at that possibility in the spring.
We enjoy hearing comments or suggestions of our site's pages or perhaps topics you would like to read more about in the coming year. We have been very busy with expanding our store facility for Natural Living as well, so don't forget to visit shopnaturalliving.com to see what kind of fun and rewarding information we share.